November 22, 2010

Bread bowls…getting closer

I’m no quitter.  Even though my attempts to make bread bowls in the past have failed miserably, I’m going to keep trying until I get them right.  I got closer the other night, still not perfect, but getting closer.


I made a version of seafood stew or cioppino.  We had dinner at a friends house where they made cioppino and I wanted to recreate it at home.  After cleaning out my freezer a few weeks ago I found that I have an abundance of shrimp and fish which are some of the main ingredients.  The only thing I needed to pick up at the store were the clams and those were hard to come by on a Wednesday night. It seems people in my town only want to eat fresh clams on the weekends…strange.

I wanted to make fresh bread and thought the stew would look pretty in bread bowls. Melanie at My Kitchen Cafe has had great success with her bread bowls.  And since I have failed at them in the past I was happy to find pot pie tins at the grocery store.  I figured I could cheat and use them as a form.  In the past my bread bowls turn out flat


This is what they looked like just before I put them in the oven. You can see some of them did flatten out.  After reading some of the comments on the website where I got the recipe, I feel like I under floured them.  Thankfully I had the tins to help them hold their shape.


They cooked up fine and tasted wonderful, but I still have some room for improvement.  I will keep trying.  I’m sure I’ll get it right one of theses times until then at least the failures are tasting better!

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