Rocky Bar
Up near where we have my annual family reunion camping trip is a little ghost town called Rocky Bar. Back in 1864 the population was about 2500 people. They were mining gold and lots of it. A fire tore through Rocky Bar in 1892, but the town quickly rebuilt. By then the gold mining started declining and the town slowly dwindled.
This was the general store and saloon. There used to be a front porch and a second story balcony. The inside still looks like an old saloon.

I can only imagine back in the day wandering into this bar and ordering a drink. The wood work is amazing. I’m sure the stories this place has hear would be amazing if walls could talk.

This house is next to the saloon. I think I read something about it being the mine owners house. It had two bedrooms, living room, and kitchen in it. It also had a bathroom added later.
This is the kitchen area. It is actually bigger than my current kitchen.
Such an inviting living room. This room over looks main street. What fun to sit on the front porch and watch the goings on of the town.
Here are the stage coach prices from August 26th, 1880. That $14.00 fare is to Atlanta Idaho, not Atlanta GA.
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