February 17, 2011

Ski / Snowboard Lessons

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Our homeschool group organizes ski/snowboard lessons through a youth athletic program.  The girls were very excited participate this year.

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Ashley picked snowboarding.

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Allyson picked skiing.  Both the girls were naturals.

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The girls found their groups and got acquainted to their new feet.

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As I watched I was amazed at how fast the kids were up and moving on those things.  I would have been curled up in a little ball by the sign counting the minutes until the lesson was over.

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“Here kids, strap these sticks on your feet and ski down the hill.”

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Both of them were amazing.  Staying up on their ski’s/boards and looking great.

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Ashley learned the fine art of turning.  That smile makes it look like she is actually enjoying her lesson.

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This is a picture I took from inside the lodge.  That’s Ashley riding the Magic Carpet, to go higher up the hill and board down.  The lodge was nice and warm…I was sipping a hot cup of tea.  And I may or may not have been playing games on the girls IPod.  Ski lessons are fun.

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That’s the Magic Carpet or ski escalator. Bye Allyson.  Have fun.  Maybe you should watch were you are going, to make sure you can get off in time.

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By the end of the first lesson, the girls were zipping up and down the hill like pro’s.

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Hooray, a picture with both the girls side by side. Too bad Mark didn’t snap it a few minutes earlier while Allyson was still upright.

1 comment:

  1. OO, what fun! I almost wish it snowed near me...almost.
